So Then I Became A Lord
Article in Punch about troubles with car insurance.
Read it here
The Euro
Five minute magazine piece for Radio 4's 'Afternoon Shift' broadcast in '97.
Read it here
Country Week
Article for Country Life about Norfolk.
Read it here
My Village
Longer article for Country Life about Ambridge.
Read it here
Timothy Bentinck

Being David Archer - And Other Unusual Ways of Earning a Living
My autobiography. Published by Constable on October 5th 2017, you can buy it at Amazon here, or direct from the publisher here. If you'd rather I read it to you, you can get the audiobook from Audible here.
See the dedicated website

Colin The Camper Van
A children's story about a VW camper that, after years of neglect, is found again by its old owner and turned into a computerised super-car.
You can buy it at Amazon here, or to order a signed copy, buy direct from the publisher here.
Here's an extract.

Avant Garde A Clue
Co-written with Albert Welling. A spoof biography of the French Dada poet Paul Déaveroin, author of such classics as À Mère y Cannes Pailles, Paix Guy Sous and Sa mère au lit dit, the poems have a strange resonance when spoken out loud.....!
Now published on Kindle

Oh Lord!
My first translation! This erotic novel set in an English Country House, is the tale of bonking aristocrats, written by the wonderful French author, Laure Elisac. Translating the sex from French was one thing, but the cooking was almost impossible!
You can buy it here
BBC Breakfast 2015
Talking about Colin the Campervan