So Then I Became A Lord
Article in Punch about troubles with car insurance.
Read it here
The Euro
Five minute magazine piece for Radio 4's 'Afternoon Shift' broadcast in '97.
Read it here
Country Week
Article for Country Life about Norfolk.
Read it here
My Village
Longer article for Country Life about Ambridge.
Read it here
Timothy Bentinck
Lockdown work
I've had a home recording studio for many years now, so I was a bit ahead of the game when everything shut down. Here's some of the stuff I've done since March 2020.

Acoustically dead and soundproof room. SE2200A mike, Pro Tools 12, Macbook Air, Ethernet connection, Virgin fibre super fast broadband, over 100 Mbps. Clean Feed, Source Connect, Zoom, ipDTL. Experienced programmer, website designer and PT editor.
This is a test for a computer game. Funny script. An English motorist breaks down on Watt street, Ware, Oregon. I'm both characters.
For the INK Festival, a 2 minute duologue by Tom Pauk, between an old Suffolk man, and his Polish friend. Again both me! Radio Suffolk 4/9/20
Another one for INK. A monologue by Matt Marvel.
This was a test for a TV called Soulmates. And they used it! Love being Martin Amis.
A test for John Betjeman in The Crown. Got the part. The last thing you hear in Series 4 as Her Maj heads of in the carriage for her Jubilee the ridiculous, hey gotta pay the rent.
A test. A real Scot got the gig!
I do a lot of newsreaders, for The Crown, Downton, movies and TV series, like these. Here's an example of the Cholmoney-Warner version.
And here's a short story I wrote called The Nail that Bent read by the marvellous Wayne Forester. I would have read it, but it's a Welsh story, and Wayne gives the story complete authenticity.
More Specific by Toby Laurence
A funny short sketch about a man whose kitchen has been delivered to the wrong house. Me and Katie Redford.
I was asked to read a short story by Saki, called Cousin Theresa. Funny story.
Now I'm an old git, I get asked to help aspiring actors, which I'm happy to do. Here's me answering questions from students at Stagecoach.
Audio Dramas
Alfie in Doctor Who - Ghosts for Big Finish
Commissioner Simmons in Space 1999 for Big Finish. 4 eps.
Carstairs and Johnson in The Avengers - How Does Your Garden Grow for Big Finish
The Inspector in The Box of Delights for Audible.
Mycroft Holmes in Sherlock Holmes - The Fiends of New York for Big Finish
Alfie Scott and Godfrey in Torchwood - The Five People You Kill in Middlesborough for Big Finish
Zoom plays
Prince Charles in Charles III by Mike Bartlett
S. African big game hunter in Margate Mystery Murders.
Victor Llewellyn, Welsh magician, in Funny Turns by David Hampshire
85 yr old white Kenyan Henry in Savages by Peter Popham
The Archers
4 eps of David Archer monologue
12 eps back in studio
7 eps recording from home
The Z Murders by J Jefferson Farjeon. 256 pages
Developing China by Michael J Enright. 260 pages
Clearing the Air by Tim Smedley. 308 pages
The Psychology of Conspiracy Theories by Jan-Willem Prooijen. 94 pages
Slow Road to San Francisco by David Reynolds. 412 pages
The Unwanted Dead by Chris Lloyd. 443 pages
The Great
The King's Man
Little Birds
The Third Day
The Crown
The Spanish Princess
Operation Mincemeat
The One
His Dark Materials
The Watch
North Water
Call the Midwife
The Northman
Pursuit of Love
Anne Boleyn
Around The World in Eighty Days
Becoming Elizabeth
War of the Worlds
The Tourist
Magpie Murders
See How They Run
The Nevers
The Ipcress File
The Essex Serpent
Capitan Santiago Aguirre in Alta Mar
Arsene Wenger voice-under in Anelka
Larrubia and other parts Hache Season 2
Spartacus in Brutus vs Caesar
Berserker Priest in The Northman
BT Corporate
HBGP – Hemophilia B Graduate Program
Cbeebies promos x 4
Computer Games
Project Oslo for Pitstop Productions
YAGA DLC for OM London
Wolcen Dragons for OM London
Tropico 6 for OM London
Summerford for OM London
Vermintide 2 for OM London - more Victor Saltzpyre!
Project Quest for OM London
Government spokesman in What Matters with Jane Asher
Artemis in Wild Boars
Father in Rambler Man
The Nevers for HBO. Director Jos Whedon.
General Pecking 5 eps.

Gentleman Jack for HBO/BBC. Director Fergus O'Brien
Colonel Deardon 1 ep.

Brutus vs César
My first production!
In October Max Hoskins asked me to translate, spot, cast and direct the dub for a very funny French film called Brutus vs César.
This was the feedback from the sound editor, Gareth Bull of Technicolor.
"Having worked on foreign language versioning for 25 years, I can honestly say that this is an absolute masterpiece. Tim, wow! The voice casting and performances are wonderful. Subtle, clever, engaging and funny! I think they’ll be absolutely delighted."
I love this job!
Here's the trailer of the French version.
Jay Benedict
In April, my very dear friend Jay Benedict died from this bloody virus.
This is the song I wrote for him, "Whisperin' Rock 'n Roll"
The Play of Light
Another wonderful monologue from Tom Pauk. Jasper Cavendish-Browne gives a talk about Goya's painting '3 May 1808' but reveals more about his own tragic life.
Kenneth Wolstenholme
This was my test tape to be the voice of the 1966 World Cup final in 'Call the Midwife'. Got the part!
Country Living interview
Apart from spelling my name wrong, a nice piece in Country Living, with a video interview in this online version:

Reading for INK Festival
1. Corinthians 13. A message of love for Valentine's Day.
Funny Turns
Online reading of a play by David Hampshire. In support of the Jermyn Street Theatre. Introduction by Joanna Lumley.
My first Welsh part since school!
Dum Tee Dum
Chatting about The Archers with Roifield Brown
Fun chat with Debbie Arnold and chums!
My Time Capsule
Recorded in the days when you could have a chat with a chum in the kitchen. Sounds so different from the Zoom conversations we've become so used to.
Connect Force
Volunteered to do weekly chat with lonely people in old folks homes. Really rather lovely.
Vaccine Microchip
And I've written a new song!
Don't listen to this if you think the world is flat or that the Covid vaccine contains mind-controlling microchips from Bill Gates!
The Box of Delights
A wonderful new audio version by Big Finish directed by Barnaby Edwards. Here I am being The Inspector with a magic rabbit!
In this video game, I play Witch Hunter Victor Saltzpyre.
He's developed quite a fan base, especially in the US. YouTube videos are proliferating. Here, someone has animated a short recording I did for Reddit, to prove I actually was the Voice of Victor!
And here I am recording a drunk Victor!!

Wood Lathe
My brother-in-law John Emerson sold me his Draper wood lathe. I set it up in the workshop, and have spent the last six months teaching myself. I absolutely love it!

Suffolk Puncha
by Al Tilbey
Part three of a trilogy of short plays about the Suffolk Punch for the INK Festival. I'm Joe, a Suffolk man from the 1850s