So Then I Became A Lord
Article in Punch about troubles with car insurance.
Read it here
The Euro
Five minute magazine piece for Radio 4's 'Afternoon Shift' broadcast in '97.
Read it here
Country Week
Article for Country Life about Norfolk.
Read it here
My Village
Longer article for Country Life about Ambridge.
Read it here
Timothy Bentinck
A relational database program for Voice Agencies

Until well into this century, Agent continued to do the same accounting, invoicing and remittance work for a voiceover agency that it was doing in the late eighties. Written originally in Dbase II on the Amstrad PCW, it became bug-free for twenty years and the only reason to upgrade it to Visual Dbase, a Windows version, was for better analysis of data, being able to print via USB(!) and the look of the thing.
It used three databases; one for Companies, one for Artists and one for Job Details. By using three status flags for each Job;
1. Invoice Sent to Company
2. Payment Received from Company
3. Payment made to Artist
- all the paperwork got done and the resulting financial data was then available for analysis.
When I first wrote it I hawked it around and got a lot of interest, it was among the first such programs, and being designed specifically for a voice agency, was an extremely viable product. That's where I've always needed a business partner, or brain - I sold it precisely twice.
One of the main things I've learned from being in charge of other people's businesses like that - when a computer failure is disaster and only you can help - is that it's so horribly easy to exploit. If I were not an honest man, and I had similar control over hundreds or thousands or millions of people's computers, I'd be tempted to throw in a bug or two and make a fortune from the helpline and the expensive upgrades.
Oh, did somebody else think of that first??