So Then I Became A Lord
Article in Punch about troubles with car insurance.
Read it here
The Euro
Five minute magazine piece for Radio 4's 'Afternoon Shift' broadcast in '97.
Read it here
Country Week
Article for Country Life about Norfolk.
Read it here
My Village
Longer article for Country Life about Ambridge.
Read it here
Timothy Bentinck
Radio Drama

I won the Carleton Hobbs Radio Prize in 1978 and joined the BBC Radio Rep for six months. I recently discovered the full list!
I continued working regularly in radio, recording nearly 100 plays. In 1982, I got the part of David Archer in The Archers, and still play him today. For the full story of that, there's my autobiography, Being David Archer - And Other Unusual Ways of Earning a Living, and the accompanying website
In 2009, aged 56, I played a 28 year old MI5 officer in A Question of Royalty with Johnny Vegas and Ricky Tomlinson - directed by Dirk Maggs. Also that year, Nicholas Farrell's brother in A Hit To The Heart with Niamh Cusack and Lucy Fleming - directed by Gordon House.
I do a lot of work for Big Finish, recording many episodes of Doctor Who, Torchwood, Sherlock Holmes, Space 1999, Counter Measures, Survivors etc. Here's the full list.
At Audible I've done many Audiobooks and radio dramas.
Here's a clip from The Archers. The moment when David finds out that Ruth has fallen in love with the cowman!
And exclusively here, is a naked David doing the ice bucket challenge!